Property finance


Property finance

Loan size: £25,000 to £40M

Loan term: 3 years to 25 years

Security : First and Second charge

Property type: Residential, Semi-Commercial, Commercial and land

Rates: From 2% + LIBOR

Maximum loan to value: 80%

Bridging loans

Loan size: £20,000 to £40M

Loan term: 1 month to 24 months

Security : First and Second charge

Property type: Residential, Semi-Commercial, Commercial and land

Rates: From 0.40% per month

Maximum loan to value: 80%

Development finance

Loan size: £50,000 to £40M

Loan term: 1 month to 24 months

Security : First and Second charge

Property type: Residential, Semi-Commercial, Commercial and land

Rates: From 4.5% per year

Maximum loan to value: 75%